Wednesday, August 30, 2006

potty training woes

ACK!! I forgot just how fun it is to potty train! Fortunately, when Corinne was training, she was in preschool, and they did most of the work. Now I am am on my own with Natalie. She has been VERY interested in the potty for a couple of months. So, I decided to give it a shot while the weather was still warm, and she didn't have to wear a lot of clothes. Natalie is a very strong willed little girl. She will not do anything unless it is her idea, or unless you really sell her on it. Knowing this, I have been going by her cues. And I am trying not to push the matter. I let her decide if she wants to go potty, some days she does, some she doesn't. That is perfectly fine with me. She is only 26 months old, so I know she is young. But there has been quite a few occasions where she has stated that she needed to go potty, and when you take her to the bathroom, she is dry and she goes in the potty. So I think she is ready.

But on to my complaint - now she has decided that she can not stand to have a wet or dirty diaper. Okay, fine. But when she is in bed *napping* or sleeping, she decides to change her own diaper, and go to bed naked. Or, I suspect, she even goes in the corner of her room so her diaper stays dry. GROSS! I don't want to keep her little potty in her room, but I also don't know if she will ever sleep if I leave the door open. I am trying to put her on a schedule of going potty, but it hasn't worked yet. What really frustrates me, is she is so quiet about doing this. I have a monitor right there, and I think she is sleeping, but NOOO. Part of me says go cold turkey ~ just put her in panties and she will eventually learn not to go. But she rarely wakes up dry at night, so I don't think that will completely work. Any advice or just words of encouragement??


Blogger Mrs. Burns said...

Oh NO! I don't look forward to this... but I do have a bit of time left! Best of luck!

4:24 PM  

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