Wednesday, August 09, 2006

late night blogging...

Oh, my head is aching. I should go take some ibuprophen, but that would require getting up. So I will just suffer and complain, lol. It is late, and I have a full day tomorrow in continuing ed for my real estate license. UCK!! And I have so much to do!! But I have accomplished quite a bit on my list!

√ VOTE TOMORROW!! (mostly primaries, but I still think it is important)
~ do laundry and clean the house (why did I make this one item? I got the laundry done, but I can't check it off yet!)
~ pack for camping this weekend ~ mostly done
√ Scrap (of course)
√ grocery shopping
√ room parents meeting
x Book club? rescheduled
~ Real Estate License Continuing Ed
√ walk (if I can)
~ send out fundraiser email to friends and family for Corinne's School
~ go camping with four other families, and our FIVE 2-year olds one 5-year old (yes we are nuts)

*sigh* still more to do, but I am getting there.

So, the Room Parent's meeting was tonight at Corinne's school, and I am happy (I think) to say that I am the Head Room Parent for her class. What does that entail, you ask? Well I apparently have to through THREE killer parties for an entire kindergarten class on a very very limited budget. Oh, my! What did I get myself into? Did I mention that the reason I am Head Room Mom is because nobody else volunteered? Hmmm... And long gone are the class parties with a 2 liter and a bunch of cupcakes! Oh no, we need crafts, games, goodies, and healthy-prepackaged-served-with-plastic-gloves-contains-no-peanuts food. I really don't know what I was thinking! But, honestly, I think it will be fun. And Corinne is excited. And that is what is most important.

Now on to scrapping stuff!

First off, BIG TOOT FOR ME!!! I am getting my *my sister, my friend* LO published in the DigiChick's monthly Magazine - DeZine!! Whoo Hoo! It was a contest they heldover the weekend, and myself and three others were chosen for the honor!!

Also, my Fishies LO (see below) was chosen by DawnMcD for a scraplift challenge with a twist over at DigiShopTalk. She will Scraplift my page, and I got to answer some fun questions, and then choose a layout of hers to scraplift myself. Make sense? lol! Here is the LO I lifted from her original *She's Got Style*. Journaling:90% OF THE TIME YOU ARE THE MOST GRACEFUL AND BEAUTIFUL GIRL. BUT EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, MY CLUMBSINESS COMES OUT IN YOU. RIGHT AFTER I TOOK THIS PHOTO, YOU TWIRLED RIGHT IN TO THE CLOSET DOOR. IT WAS PRICELESS! Credits: Papers, ribbon and chipboard from KristinCB's *Cherry Cheescake* Flowers from Lanne's *Faraway Friends* Pen and Ink Flower Collection Metal charm, Pin, and stitching from Jan Crowley's *Little Black Dress* Photo Action is Aly's High Res Memory Lane, Fonts used are Modern No.20 and 2Ps Ribbons.

Now I better head off, and get some rest. I have a bunch of stuff to get done so we can leave for camping Friday!!


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