Monday, August 07, 2006

no more monkeys jumping on the bed!

Natalie's visit to the doctor for her two year check up was a big success! She is measuring in the 90th percentile in height and the 75th in weight. She is the exact same size that Corinne was at 2. The doctor was impressed with her speaking, and the fact that she went to the potty like a big girl while we were there. She also wasn't too concerned about Natalie's picky eating, and her lack of naps. It is all typical toddler behavior, so no worries! (easy for her to say, of course :O) Apparently, Natalie picked up on a lot the the doctor said, and yesterday as I laid her down for her *nap* I told her not to take her diaper off (another one of her fun games), and she said *yes, mommy, the doctor said!* It was so cute, and I was impressed. I figured I ought to use this doctor thing to my advantage. So one of the last times I went in to check on her during her *nap* I said, *you need to stay in your big girl bed! Do you remember what the doctor said?* Her response? *No more monkeys jumping on the bed!* LOL!! Ahhh, well. She IS only TWO!

Now that Corinne is in Kindergarten all day, I don't have as many stories to tell about her. I have her recaps of her exciting days, and I know that she is doing well because she comes home with smiley stars every day. But, I really miss her being around! I know that she is having a BLAST at school, and that is what is most important. One thing she did do that she is VERY proud of, is that she can do the monkey bars on her swing set all the way to the fourth rung! Of course, I know she could do more, but her courage only lasts so long!

So my walking had been coming along well. I don't know that I've lost a bunch of weight, but I feel better overall. That is, until yesterday evening when I hurt my toe! It is so sore now, I have it taped to the toe next to it. I don't think it is broken, but boy is is tender. And the worst part of it is that I just stubbed it on a door jam. I wasn't even doing something that would have a risk of hurting oneself. I am such a clumsy dork! And now I am afraid to put my tennis shoes on, so I missed walking this morning. I hope to be better by tomorrow. Grrr....

On my to do list for this week:
~ VOTE TOMORROW!! (mostly primaries, but I still think it is important)
~ do laundry and clean the house
~ pack for camping this weekend
~ Scrap (of course)
~ grocery shopping
~ room parents meeting
~ Book club?
~ Real Estate License Continuing Ed
~ walk (if I can)
~ send out fundraiser email to friends and family for Corinne's School
~ go camping with four other families, and our FIVE 2-year olds one 5-year old (yes we are nuts)

I will leave you with two cards that I made for the Friendship Day Challenge at the DigiChick...

Credits: *Vintage Diva* kit by Laura Alpuche and Fee Jardine available right here at The Digi Chick. Overlay from Jan Crowley's *Little Black Dress* also available here at TDC. Font used: Edwardian script.

Credits:Summer Wishes by Heather Roselli and White Paper is from Little Black Dress by Jan Crowley. Paper Chalking is from Atomic Cupcake.

Have a great week!!


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