Thursday, May 29, 2008

my list

As a kid, I spent a lot of time with my head in the clouds. I was going to be a rock star, an actress, Snow White. I was creative, passionate, and I knew who I was. As I got older, my goals became a little more realistic (I can not sing!), but I still reached for the stars. I did some modeling, I went to architecture school. Slowly, though, fear of failure took over, and I stopped trying. I followed the path of least resistance, did what was expected of me, and chose the easy way. I love where I ended up at, but I think I have lost a little of myself along the way. There is a me that is not a wife and mother. And I am working to find that me, to determine my purpose.

As a mom, I see the potential that my girls have. The world is theirs for the taking. Is that true for me, too? I know that it once was. Being a mom is fantastic, and wonderful, and important, but it isn't all that I am. And I believe that it will be beneficial for my girls to see their mom as someone what has interests outside of motherhood.

With all that in mind, I decided to start a list expressing some of my goals (in no particular order of importance):
1. Write a book about something and promote it on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
2. Learn how to play the guitar
3. Paint paintings
4. Get my Masters Degree in School Counseling
5. Go back to Jamaica with Adrian
6. Finish reading A New Earth
7. Complete heritage album, continue collecting resources on genealogy
8. Learn to surf
9. Volunteer time to a political campaign (maybe my own?)
10. Get over my fear of flying so that I can travel again
11. Learn a foreign language
12. Put in a pool, and have lots of pool parties
13. Volunteer at Planned Parenthood


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